Il terzo singolo di Ed Sheeran è Galway Girl. Il video ufficiale

Il cantante ha fatto tutte le riprese da solo

ROMA – È una tra le canzoni più orecchiabili di Divide il terzo singolo di Ed Sheeran. Si tratta di Galway Girl, traccia numero sei del disco.

Un uptempo dalle ambientazioni folk che richiamano la tipica musica irlandese. Immancabili, infatti, i musicisti nel video che la riproducono insieme alla ragazza di Galway.

D’altronde Galway è una cittadina di circa 76 mila abitanti in Irlanda che – insieme a una ragazza nata e cresciuta là – diventa protagonista del testo. La ragazza in questione è l’attrice Saoirse Ronan, amica di Sheeran che lo porta in giro per Galway.

Il terzo singolo di Ed Sheeran. In Galway Girl anche il tatuaggio-scherzo che il cantante ha fatto sul braccio

Le immagini sono tutte in soggettiva e a girarle è stato lo stesso Ed, sotto la guida di Jason Koening. Il cantante si vede in poche immagini proprio perché è lui a tenere la telecamera. In una delle scene si vede anche l’ultimo tatuaggio che Ed ha impresso sulla sua pelle: Galway Grill. Uno scherzo messo in atto proprio dalla Ronan.

“Il video è dal mio punto di vista, Saoirse mi porta in un negozio di tatuaggi”, ha raccontato Ed che voleva un tatoo con la scrittura dell’amica. “Doveva scrivere Galway Girl e allora io ho detto ‘sarebbe divertente se scrivessi qualcosa di diverso'”, Saoirse l’ha preso in parola e ha pensato a cambiare Girl in Grill. Alla fine, però, Ed non è dispiaciuto del risultato: “Sono quasi orgoglioso del tatuaggio”.

Il terzo singolo di Ed Sheeran. Il testo di Galway Girl


She played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, “Baby, I just want to dance”

[Verse 1]

I saw her on Grafton street right outside of the bar
She shared a cigarette with me while her brother played the guitar
She asked me what does it mean, the Gaelic ink on your arm?
Said it was one of my friend’s songs, do you want to drink on?
She took Jamie as a chaser, Jack for the fun
She got Arthur on the table with Johnny riding as a shotgun
Chatted some more, one more drink at the bar
Then put Van on the jukebox, got up to dance


You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, “Baby, I just want to dance”
With my pretty little Galway Girl
You’re my pretty little Galway Girl

[Verse 2]

You know she beat me at darts and then she beat me at pool
And then she kissed me like there was nobody else in the room
As last orders were called was when she stood on the stool
After dancing to Cèilidh singing to trad tunes
I never heard Carrickfergus ever sang so sweet
A capella in the bar using her feet for a beat
Oh, I could have that voice playing on repeat for a week
And in this packed out room swear she was singing to me


You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, “Baby, I just want to dance”
My pretty little Galway Girl
My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl
My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl
My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl

[Verse 3]

And now we’ve outstayed our welcome and it’s closing time
I was holding her hand, her hand was holding mine
Our coats both smell of smoke, whisky and wine
As we fill up our lungs with the cold air of the night
I walked her home then she took me inside
To finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine
I swear I’m gonna put you in a song that I write
About a Galway Girl and a perfect night


She played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, “Baby, I just want to dance”
My pretty little Galway Girl
My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl
My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl
My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl

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